NEW! Homesteading Docu-Series!

A New Series Featuring The Rhodes Family 

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NEW! Homesteading Docu-Series!


A New Series Featuring The Rhodes Family 

Sign up to watch the first episode

Abundant Permaculture Presents, ROOTED

Get a high quality in depth look at the Rhodes family like you’ve never seen before. State of the art film making coupled with dynamic story tellings is guaranteed to inspire you in your own food growing journey. Think Netflix Docuseries meets Justin’s Vlog. This debut show will entertain, inspire and even educate (in a really dynamic way). In the first episode of ROOTED the Rhodes’ pull back the curtain on their lives and share how they went from rock bottom in their health and finances to stability and eventual success. Pop some popcorn, gather the entire family and enjoy a new insight on what it means to be a homesteader. The Rhodes plan to turn this into a 12 part season covering the span of 2021. 

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